Ordering VILPE products in customised colours – choose a colour that match or contrast the building

customised colours

Colour matters especially with wall-mounted products. Usually, the best way to fulfil an architect’s vision would be to use products that blend into the wall in terms of their design and colour. However, sometimes the goal is the opposite and the aim is to create an aesthetically pleasing contrast to the façade of the building by selecting a product colour that pops on the wall.

No matter which option you prefer, VILPE IO intake and exhaust air products as well as VILPE Multifunction grilles are available in several standard and in customised colours.

Watch this video to learn how easy the installation of the VILPE IO intake and exhaust air products is.

How VILPE selects its standard colours

VILPE adjusts its standard colours in accordance to market needs. We are carefully following the colour tones that are used on the European market and make adjustments accordingly. For instance, in 2022 we adjusted the standard colours brown and gray in order for them to better correspond to the most commonly used roof colours on the market. The colour change was minimal and can be difficult to notice with the naked eye.

VILPE is carefully following the quality of the colour and its durability with annual UV tests. However, if one inspects the colours carefully, it is possible to notice small differences in the colour tones. This is completely normal as the thickness and roughness of the product affects how light is reflected on the surface of the product. Differences in colour tones cannot be noticed when the product is installed and in use.  

Project-specific product colours

What if VILPE’s standard colours are not what you want for your building project?

  • You can also choose colours from our expanded colour selection. Our sales team is happy to tell you more!
  • The other option is to ask for a project-specific product colour offer. If needed, the colour can be selected from the RAL colour.

Products in colours from the expanded colour selection are only produced according to order and therefore these products have a longer delivery time. For this reason, if you would like to order these products, you should contact the sales team early.

customised colours

Specific RAL colours are only recommended for larger projects because a larger number of products will be manufactured. These products also have a longer delivery time compared to the expanded colour selection.

Please note that it is also possible to order exhaust ventilation pipes, roof fans and other roof-installed products from the expanded colour selection or in customised colours.

Learn more about our colour selection in our 2021 product catalogue.

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