Mixture of raw material, colourant and UV stabilator is the recipe for our colour guarantee

colour guarantee

Harsh Nordic weather conditions place extraordinary demand on the material used on roofs and wall-mounted products. As products on the roof are constantly exposed to sunlight, rain and snow, they have to meet tough colour durability requirements.

VILPE provides a 10-year colour guarantee for its products. This would not be possible without our unique mixture of raw material, colourant and UV stabilator. The formula is our own and the result of years of intensive development.

The material and the colourant
The VILPE products are made of tinted polypropylene (PP) plastic. This means the products are coloured entirely instead of just having a layer of paint on the surface. The colourants are mixed to the raw material during injection moulding. In addition, the polypropylene (PP) is recyclable, corrosion-, weather- and impact-proof, which makes them ideal for outdoor use. Nearly all VILPE products have a 20-year technical guarantee.

The UV-stabilator
An UV protective added to the products is an integral part of the long-lasting colour. This UV stabilator prevents the products from having colour defects in the sun.This allows us to provide a 10-year colour guarantee for our products.

Intensive testing

VILPE products have been tested in a weathering chamber.

Every VILPE product is tested internally and externally to ensure best possible quality.  

Firstly, we supervise the colour quality by measuring the standard colours every two weeks. When special colours are manufactured, we measure the colour quality of every production batch to maintain the colour in accordance with standard regulations.

Also, part of the production process is that the employees monitor the colour quality. They inspect the products and if defects are detected, the product is removed and recycled.

Secondly, VILPE products have been tested in a weathering chamber following the SFS EN ISO 4892-3:2016 certification. A weathering chambers simulates how the product withstands heat, moisture and rain.


The management system of VILPE Oy has been granted both the ISO 9001:2015 quality certificate and the ISO 14001:2015 environmental certificate. These certificates cover product development, manufacturing and sales of VILPE product.

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