Charity donations in December

VILPE has made charity donations in December.

In Finland, VILPE donated 15 000 € to a local gymnastics club (Vaasan Telinetaiturit). The money is spent on an elastic carpet flooring (13×13 m) used for flips or acrobatics.

”This donation is an enormous help for us. Due to the pandemic, sports clubs have hardly any extra funds so this support is extremely valuable”, says Sanna Suomenmäki from Vaasan Telinetaiturit.

“Local sports clubs face difficulties which are easily overshadowed by the tragic global events. This is the reason we want to give the donation to the local gymnastics club”, says VILPE CEO Tuomas Saikkonen.

VILPE’s donations are given to different sports, for example ice hockey, American football and gymnastics. The majority of ice hockey and American football players are male while gymnastics attract more females.

“The new carpet takes their training opportunities to a whole new level. It is the quickest and the most immediate way to create positive impact on their training”, says Saikkonen.

In addition, 2500 € is given to “JouluPussi”. It is a local charity in Vaasa region and the money is spent on buying food for families in need.

Daughter company donations

VILPE’s daughter companies have also made charity donations.

The Baltics

Estonia: 1 250 € for SA Heategevusfond Minu Unistuste Päev. This organization makes dreams come true for severely ill children.
Estonia: 500 € for NGO Slava Ukraini. They provide medical and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

Latvia: 1 000 € for Dr. Klauns. The clown doctors of this charity organization spread joy to make children’s life easier when they are in a hospital.

Lithuania: 1 250 € for Rimantas Kaukėnas Charity Group. They give charitable assistance and spread hope and joy to children who have been diagnosed with cancer.


5 000 PLN (about 1 080€) for the Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej. This organization provides aid to Ukraine.

10 000 PLN (about 2 100€) to the Siepomaga organization. The donation is shared between 5 children, all of whom need expensive medical treatment that wouldn’t otherwise be available.


30 000 SEK (about 2760 €) to Save the Children. VILPE’s Swedish daughter company is also a friend company of Save the Children.