A sense of solidarity is a resource at VILPE

We have a large number of skilled professionals working at VILPE. Four VILPE employees with long careers behind them describe what is it like to work in our company and how things have changed over the years.
Ella Osipova, Export Manager (Russia and the CIS countries)

We have a democratic and equal work environment and a very nice team here at VILPE. Over the years, I have seen a small business grow into a company this big. However, it doesn’t feel like a long time because we face new challenges every day.
When I started out in 1996, the industry was completely different. For the first 15 years, we only carried out direct exports to customers, which had its own challenges. When we established our own subsidiaries, our tasks and challenges changed. This was before the Internet, so we also had to find our contacts in the phone book. However, the atmosphere has remained relaxed and creative at all times, as well as, a strong sense of solidarity.
Mika Järvinen, Technical Salesperson, Finland

VILPE’s work environment is fascinating. The well-being of employees and other similar matters are in order. The low turnover of staff has brought the team together. We are like an anthill where everyone has their own important role to play. You learn to know your colleagues here, and it’s nice to see how a common goal can make different people work in the same direction. Everyone is helping each other out.
Over the years, we have seen the change through several expansion projects. The walls of our facilities have moved in all directions. While my core duties have remained the same over time, my job has become involved in many tasks related to the maintenance of sales systems. New challenges arise as the products get more technical. A relatively long career also gives you a certain perspective on what makes good customer relations.
Tanja Stenroos, Warehouse Worker

Colleagues and the work community are what make a company – that’s why we enjoy ourselves here. When I joined VILPE in 1997, the company only employed about a dozen people. Today, women and men of varying ages are working at the warehouse. The warehouse has expanded frequently over the years, and the IT systems and production methods have changed. Much of the work is still carried out manually, but we are using more tools.
VILPE is a fair employer: employees are encouraged by bonuses paid on top of your salary, for example. It is also important that the company takes care of its employees’ well-being even during busy times. Now and then we spend our spare time together in social functions such as summer and Christmas parties organised by the company. VILPE has always put a lot of effort into these parties.
Pertti Kristo, Technical Specialist

We are like one big family here. Everyone shares the same goals. The best thing about this job is independence – no one is given orders, but everyone is guided, of course. VILPE trusts its employees. I was first hired in the erstwhile screw factory in 1989, and soon afterwards we experienced the 1990s depression and got through it together. The sense of solidarity is strong at VILPE, we have experienced both the good and the bad times.
Over the years, the firm has grown, hired more people and introduced more machines. I never get bored here because the job and its challenges keep changing all the time. I look forward to the future as I constantly feel that there is something even better coming up around the corner. I’ll probably want to stay here when I reach retirement age.
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