Charity donations

VILPE and its daughter companies recently made several charity donations in Finland, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the Baltics.
”At VILPE, helping and supporting local communities has always been close to our heart. For example, we have it written into our strategy that we will annually donate 0.3 percent of our annual revenue to a good cause. In addition to donating money, we are committed to donating our time to charity projects throughout the year”, says Tuomas Saikkonen, VILPE’s CEO.
VILPE Finland donates 17 500 € to charity
In Finland, VILPE donated €17,500 to different charity projects. We especially wanted to help children and families, because the exceptional circumstances associated with the pandemic have increased their need for help.
Donations were given to the following organisations:
- Projectliv €5000 (supports families with seriously ill children)
- Hope Vaasa €2500 (supports low-income families)
- Pelastakaa lapset €2500 (our donation helps low-income families in Finland)
- Wasa Stars €2500 (supports youth sports activities in Vaasa)
- Vaasan ruoka-apu €2500 (provides food for those in need)
- JouluPussi €2500 (provides food for low-income families in Vaasa)
VILPE Poland donates 4000 PLN to charity
VILPE Poland recently donated 3000 PLN (about 650 €) to Fundacja Wrocłacskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci, a Hospice for Children in the Lower Silesia region. Donations of 1000 zloty (about 200 €) were also given to four different fundraising campaigns, all of which support children who suffer from serious illnesses or who have been severely injured. In total, VILPE Poland’s donations this Christmas period added up to 4000 PLN.
“We chose these charitable causes because families with seriously ill or injured children need special support. We wanted to do our part to help these families and the hospice care organization supporting them”, said Andrzej Janusz, CEO of VILPE Poland.
VILPE Baltics donates 2850 € to charity
VILPE Baltics have made donations to different charity organisations during this Christmas period. In each of the Baltic states we chose a local charity project to support.
In Estonia, donations were shared between two organisations:
- MTÜ Janno Puusepa Fond, 850 €. The foundation helps people with serious, uncurable diseases (such as cystic fibrosis, ALS, PLS) that are not supported by the national system.
- Eesti Vähihaigete Laste Vanemate Liit MTÜ, 500 €. It is the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer
In Latvia, 750 € donation was given to Dr. Klauns. The clown doctors of this charity organization spread joy to make children’s life easier when they are at the hospital.
In Lithuania, 750 € donation was given to R. Kaukėnas Foundation. The organisation gives charitable assistance to children who are diagnosed with cancer. For example, they provide the necessary medical equipment and medications that are not covered by insurance.
VILPE Russia donates 480 000 rubles to different charity organisations
VILPE Russia made several donations to different charity organisations during this Christmas period. Each of the six VILPE offices in Russia chose a charity project to support.
The Lighthouse Charity Foundation received 240 000 rubles, a combined donation made by our offices in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.
The charity organisation “Край добра” received 80 000 rubles. This donation was made by our office in Krasnodar, and it contributed to the organization of a New Year’s Eve event in a hospital’s children’s oncology department.
The charity organization СПб ГБСУСО “Дом-интернат ветеранов войны и труда №2” received 80 000 rubles from our office in St. Petersburg, a donation which helped to provide concrete support for a hospital ward.